març 2001 |
Predicting random level and seasonality of hotel prices. A structural equation growth curve approach |
Coenders, GermÃ
; Espinet i Rius, Josep Maria
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
24 març 2022 |
Presentacions dels doctorands i post-docs del Campus Aigua: Recursos hÃdrics i medi natural |
Barcelona Arbat, Aina
; Alcalde, Berta
; Pereira Lindoso, Diego
; Garau, Enrica
; Rubio-Gracia, Francesc
; Córdoba-Ariza, Gabriela
; Albarracin, Giovany
; Simpson-Mowday, Imogen
; Llanos-Paez, Oriana
; Cufi, Silvia
; Osorio, Victoria
; Frigola-Tepe, Xènia
agost 2008 |
Progress in front propagation research |
Fort, Joaquim
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
13 febrer 2014 |
Progress in front propagation research |
Fort, Joaquim
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
3 abril 2014 |
Progress in front propagation research |
Fort, Joaquim
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
Progress in front propagation research |
Fort, Joaquim
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
juny 2015 |
Projection Mapping amb Shadertoy i openFrameworks |
Borrà s Massaguer, LluÃs
Projection Mapping amb Shadertoy i openFrameworks |
Borrà s Massaguer, LluÃs
29 maig 2009 |
A proposal for the diagnosis of uncertain dynamic systems based on interval models |
Gelso, Esteban Reinaldo
A proposal for the diagnosis of uncertain dynamic systems based on interval models |
Gelso, Esteban Reinaldo
Proving Incentive Compatibility in Multi-Attribute Auctions |
Pla Planas, Albert
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Murillo Espinar, Javier
Proving Incentive Compatibility in Multi-Attribute Auctions |
Pla Planas, Albert
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Murillo Espinar, Javier
1 juny 2018 |
Proving Incentive Compatibility in Multi-Attribute Auctions |
5 juny 2018 |
Proving Incentive Compatibility in Multi-Attribute Auctions |
Pla Planas, Albert
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Murillo Espinar, Javier
gener 2012 |
Proving Incentive Compatibility in Multi-Attribute Auctions |
Pla Planas, Albert
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Murillo Espinar, Javier
2002 |
Reaction-diffusion wave fronts: Multigeneration biological species under climate change |
Campos, Daniel
; Fort, Joaquim
; Llebot, Josep Enric
Reaction-diffusion wave fronts: Multigeneration biological species under climate change |
Campos, Daniel
; Fort, Joaquim
; Llebot, Josep Enric
1999 |
Reaction-diffusion waves of advance in the transition to agricultural economics |
Fort, Joaquim
; Méndez López, Vicenç
Reaction-diffusion waves of advance in the transition to agricultural economics |
Fort, Joaquim
; Méndez López, Vicenç
15 gener 2016 |
Realistic urban layout modeling from real data |
Pueyo Vallet, Oriol
Realistic urban layout modeling from real data |
Pueyo Vallet, Oriol
1 setembre 2019 |
Re-disseny impressora de Fused Deposition Modeling de grans dimensions |
Colls MartÃ, Arnau
2013 |
Referee comment C4027: Interactive comment on "Local sensitivity analysis for compositional data with application to soil texture in hydrologic modelling" by L. Loosvelt et al. |
Egozcue, Juan José
; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
4 febrer 2019 |
Resilience of water resource recovery facilities: a framework for quantitative model-based assessment |
Juan GarcÃa, Pau
15 desembre 2011 |
Robustness against large-scale failures in communications networks |
Segovia Silvero, Juan